Our Services

Social Research

  • Ethnographic Fieldwork – Our local researchers, fluent in local languages and trained in proper fieldwork techniques, will gather qualitative data over short and long term periods in support of social and institutional research projects.
  • Surveys – Experienced surveyors will collect quantitative data and control for quality and reliability.

Market Research

  • Surveys – Our teams will provide accurate and reliable data regarding attitudes towards products, services and brands currently in the market or in development.
  • Focus Group Research – Breogán’s well organized and led focus group discussions will yield valuable information about how potential customers and clients feel about and interact with products and services.
  • Marketing Strategy – We provide analysis of survey and interview data to inform the development of PR initiatives that will resonate with those in the target market.

Translation and Localization

  • Translation – We ensure that translations are not only correct with regard to their meaning, but that the usage and style of texts and content is appropriate for the types of audience our clients seek to engage.  Breogán employs speakers of both the target and the source languages working together to accomplish this.
  • Localization – Our translation teams support the adaptation of website and software content and navigation options for the relevant language markets so that they appear natural and intuitive to the end user while remaining faithful to the meaning of the original.

Capacity Building

  • Training – Breogán’s staff have experience in adult education as well as professionalization programs that promote better labor outcomes in all sectors.
  • Curriculum Development and Implementation – We design academic and training programs for all levels and ages, including teacher training workshops and courses.

Program Management and Evaluation

  • Field Management – Our consultants are experienced in adapting client programs to local conditions and putting them into action on the ground.  This includes the implementation of projects, the maintenance of relations with the national and local governments as well as other stakeholders, and the delivery of regular reports detailing progress.
  • Evaluation – Our project managers will formulate metrics of progress and program success in consultation with clients with a view to making results more transparent and easier to compare across programs.